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Here you can find a complete archive of all "Letters for Europe".

We are glad about the broad dissemination of our texts. Please note our copyright regulations which you will find under "Contact".



Letter for Europe 80 (May 2014)

Thoughts on the European Elections


Letter for Europe 79 (February 2014)

Making a strong sign against euthanasia of children in Belgium!


Letter for Europe 78 (October 2013)

Action Alert for European Citizenship Initiative "One of Us"


Letter for Europe 77 (May 2013)

"Is Homophobia Really The Issue?"


Letter for Europe 76 (March 2013)

"EU-Citizenship Initiative to protect the Human Embryo"


Letter for Europe 75 (February 2013)

"A Contemplation for Lent" by Florian Kolfhaus


Letter for Europe 74 (December 2012)

"Merry Christmas!"


Letter for Europe 73 (November 2012)

"Eros is riding on the Panther. Love and Marriage as they are seen by the World Religions" by Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz


Letter for Europe 72 (September 2012)

"Foreign Body or Roots – Christianity in Europe" by Cardinal Christoph Schönborn


Letter for Europe 71 (May 2012)

"The state of the world depends on the state of the believers"


Letter for Europe 70 (April 2012)

"Europe in the Light of Mercy" by Stefan Meetschen


Letter for Europe 69 (March 2012)

"Released: Report on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe in 2011"


Letter for Europe 68 (February 2012)

"The Life of Hildegard Burjan"


Letter for Europe 67 (January 2012)

"Excerpt of the address of President Jerzy Buzek at the European Prayer Breakfast, Dec. 1st, 2011"


Letter for Europe 66 (December 2011)

"Human Rights Day: 450 Cases of Intolerance Against Christians in Europe"


Letter for Europe 65 (November 2011)

"European Court of Justice clarifies, in a manner that is binding for the 27 Member States, that human life begins at conception"


Letter for Europe 64 (October 2011)

"Seven social sins" by Mahatma Ghandi


Letter for Europe 63 (September 2011)

"OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Urges States to Combat Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians in the West"


Letter for Europe 62 (June 2011)

"Five Propositions for Christians in Europe" by Gudrun Kugler


Letter for Europe 61 (May 2011)

"Why is radical secularism a threat to our society?" by Archbishop Charles Chaput


Letter for Europe 60 (April 2011)

"Towards a Correct Understanding of Freedom and Tolerance" by Rocco Buttligione


Letter for Europe 59 (March 2011)

"Dealing With Political Correctness" by Marguerite Peeters


Letter for Europe 58 (February 2011)

"Ways Out Of The (European) Christian Ghetto" by Joseph Weiler


Letter for Europe 57 (January 2011)

"Facts and Figures about the Recent and Growing Phenomenon of Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe"


Letter for Europe 56 (December 2010)

"Rescueing Christmas!"


Letter for Europe 55 (November 2010)

"Principle of Equality to overrule fundamental freedoms"


Letter for Europe 54 (September 2010)

"Freedom of Conscience in Danger! Council of Europe votes on October 7th!"


Summerletter (August 2010)

Letters for Europe 2009/10


Letter for Europe 53 (July 2010)

"Martin Luther King's Dream Today - Thoughts by his Niece" - by Dr. Alveda King (as PDF)


Letter for Europe 52 (June 2010)

"The Seven Habits of a Happy Marriage" - by P. Johannes Lechner csj


Letter for Europe 51 (May 2010)

"Real Christian faith is always personal, but it’s never private" - by Archbishop Charles Chaput, Denver, USA


Letter for Europe 50 (April 2010)

"Thoughts on the Child Abuse Scandals in the Catholic Church"


Letter for Europe 49 (March 2010)

"Freedom of Speech or Freedom from Hearing?" - by Mats Tunehag



Letter for Europe 47 (January 2010)

"Culture War 2.0 and the Manhattan Declaration" - by Thomas Schirrmacher (as PDF)


Letter for Europe 46 (December 2009)

"Ten reasons against adoption rights for homosexual couples" - by Christl R. Vonholdt (as PDF)


Letter for Europe 45 (November 2009)

"12 Theses on Displaying the Cross in Public Spaces" (as PDF)


Letter for Europe 44 (October 2009)

"Why are you only a spectator?" by Kizito Chinedu Nweke


Letter for Europe 43 (September 2009)

"Christians in the Net: Working with Wikipedia " by Adriane F. Clement


Letter for Europe 42 (July 2009)

"A triple duty for a Christian Europe " by Gergely Kovács


Letter for Europe 41 (June 2009)

"Principles regarding the European Election 2009"


Letter for Europe 40 (May 2009)

"Europe's Christian Comeback" - Philip Jenkins


Letter for Europe 39 (April 2009)

"Faith, Reason and Zeitgeist - Current Thoughts on an everlasting Debate" PDF - Barbara Vittucci


Letter for Europe 38 (March 2009)

"Intervening at a political debate" - Gudrun Kugler


Letter for Europe 37 (Febuary 2009)      

"Humane Society without God?"  PDF - Andreas Püttmann


Letter for Europe 36 (January 2009)      

"Pluralism in danger"  PDF - James MacMillan


Letter for Europe 35 (December 2008)      

"Zeitgeist and Christianity" - Fr. Alkuin Schachenmayr, O.Cist.


Letter for Europe 34 (November 2008)      

"A Definition of "laicité"" - Etienne Rosset


Letter for Europe 33 (Oktober 2008)      

"How to give a good speech"


Letter for Europe 32 (September 2008)      

"Short Analysis of the Zeitgeist" - Karl Josef Wallner


Letter for Europe 31 (July 2008)

"A Christian Voice in the Megaphone of the Media" 


Letter for Europe 30 (June 2008)

"Gender Mainstreaming - A cultural Revolution" by Gabriele Kuby


Letter for Europe 29 (May 2008)

"Succesful Christian Arguing" by Gudrun Kugler


Letter for Europe 28 (April 2008)

"Fashion trend" Atheism? Is atheism gaining ground in Europe? by Thomas Lüken


Letter for Europe 27 (March 2008)

"How to write a good letter to a politician"


Letter for Europe 26 (February 2008)

"Hostility against Christians in Europe: Christianophobia" (download as PDF)


Letter for Europe 25 (January 2008)

"Fish in the Web: Christian Action Online" (download as PDF)


Letter for Europe 24 (December 2007)

"How to write a letter to the editor" (download as PDF)


Letter for Europe 23 (November 2007)

"Why death sometimes seems preferable to suffering" by Xavier Mirabel (download as PDF)


Letter for Europe 22 (October 2007)

"Black Legends" on the history of colonisation of Latin America" by Carlos Casanova (download as PDF)


Letter for Europe 21 (September 2007)

Old-fashioned term as key to happiness: What does “serving” add to our lives? by Hans Thomas (download as PDF)


Letter for Europe 20 (July 2007)

What do the often-mentioned terms „Soul” and „Identity” of Europe mean? by Pope Benedict XVI (download as PDF)


Letter for Europe 19 (June 2007)

Figures and thoughts on the European demographic catastrophe by Stephan Baier (download as PDF)


Letter for Europe 18 (May 2007)

Shiny happy people? Why society needs imperfect people to survive by Tobias Moretti (download as PDF)


Letter for Europe 17 (April 2007)

Some “prophetic” thoughts on reproduction by André-Mutien Léonard (download as PDF)


Letter for Europe 16 (March 2007)

Why not remove the cross from public places? by Card. Walter Kasper (download as PDF)


Letter for Europe 15 (February 2007)

The nations that have legalized abortion are the poorest of all - excerpts from Mother Teresa's speech (download as PDF)


Letter for Europe 14 (January 2007)

Marriage today – still “For Better or For Worse”? by Philippa Taylor  (download as PDF)


Letter for Europe 13 (December 2006)

Read here what our bodies teach us about God! by Anastasia Northrop (download as PDF)


Letter for Europe 12 (November 2006)

Europe needs a father! Read new thoughts on the Our Father. by F. Johannes Lechner (download as PDF)


Letter for Europe 11 (October 2006)

Christianity has “humanized” the law in Europe. Learn of striking examples here. (download as PDF)


Letter for Europe 10 (September 2006)

Would Democracy work without Christianity? by Joseph Weiler and George Weigel (download as PDF)


Letter for Europe 9 (July 2006)

A Jewish scholar’s thoughts on the Christian heritage of Europe by Joseph Weiler (download as PDF)


Letter for Europe 8 (June 2006)

What is “Christian Social Ethics” all about? by Manfred Spieker (download as PDF)


Letter for Europe 7 (May 2006)

Is it right to call certain things wrong? by Andreas Kinneging (download as PDF)


Letter for Europe 6 (April 2006)

What is the "Christian Vision of a Man"? by Gudrun Kugler (download as PDF)


Letter for Europe 5 (March 2006)

What do we mean by "Christian Heritage"? by Guido Horst (download as PDF)


Letter for Europe 4 (February 2006)

Is there such a thing as “the Truth”? by Martin Lohmann (download as PDF)


Letter for Europe 3 (January 2006)

What is the "Culture of Life"? by Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz (download as PDF)


Letter for Europe 2 (December 2005)

Are the days of Christian persecution over? Are all martyrs gone? by Reinhard Backes (download as PDF)


Letter for Europe 1 (November 2005)

What is 'Europe for Christ'? (download as PDF)



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