Europa für Christus
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Europabrief Archiv
Christian Action
Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians

Read here some emails sent to us:

     Manchmal findet  man auch was Schönes im Internet, wie ich jetzt die Seite "Europa für Christus" gefunden habe. Ich bin von Ihrer Idee begeistert und würde gern mitmachen (…) Ich schließe ich mich Ihrem dringenden Anliegen gern an. Veronika, Südtirol

     Durch Zufall bin ich auf Ihre Webseite gestoßen und sie hat mich sehr angesprochen. Wie Sie macht es mich sehr nachdenklich und schwermütig, dass Europa mit unglaublicher Vehemenz und Beflissenheit seine Wurzeln kappt (…) Ich denke wir dürfen uns nicht in solch einer Passivität verlieren. Wir müssen präsent und hoch erhobenen Hauptes geistigen Widerstand leisten. Diese, Ihre Plattform, ist ein sehr guter erster Ansatz. Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Erfolg und Gottes Segen. Peter

     Ich empfehle den Rundbrief von "Europa für Christus" zu abonnieren. Da kommen sehr komprimiert gute Gedanken. Thomas

     I've just registered in your database. Although I'm Uruguayan, I have also the German nationality, because my father was German. I will pray each day, around 12:00, a Holy Father for Europe and I wish you all the best in your project! Pablo, Uruguay

     Tanti auguri con questo progetto e grazie per il vostro lavoro.  Io sono messicana, vorrei aiutare. Mi fate sapere cosa posso fare. Marilupe, Mexico

     I came across an article from Rome about Europe4Christ.  What a worthwhile effort.  I will attempt to remember to pray the Angelus and the Lords Prayer at the suggested time. My prayers are with you. Anna, USA

     Best of luck in all your efforts to keep Europe 4 Christ.  I will pray the Our Father from here in Texas, USA. Please pray for our nation to keep a culture of life as well.  I also want to order a bumper sticker since I think they are really striking. Greg, USA

     I am happily trying to join up for your Monthly Newsletter (…) I do hope you will get all the support you can and I am happy to pray the Our Father every noon for this great cause which concerns me always as a young European. Mark, Ireland



Our Interns about their work:

Why I help with "Europe for Christ!"...

My name is Simona and I come from Slovakia. I graduated from law school in Bratislava 2 years ago. I am very thankful for the opportunity to work as an intern in the office of Europe 4 Christ! in Vienna. I used to make translations of the monthly newsletters for Europe for Christ! and kept in contact with the office in Vienna through internet. Then suddenly, it happened that I had couple months off work and I told myself why not use up this time to help out a little with the project directly from Vienna.


I consider Europe for Christ! a very good initiative, very practical and highly needed during this time. The idea of the initiative is very simple and direct: bring together people from the whole continent to pray for Christian Europe one short prayer a day and send out useful information on alarming topics concerning Europe to common people all over Europe, even outside the continent. It is important to remind people on the matters in Europe that are important and relate to all of us. Everybody has a lot to do; most of us have a time-consuming job, family, friends, and various other obligations. Many people and also many dedicated Christian people do not have time, although they would like to, for keeping track of where Europe today is standing, how the situation has advanced, what new issues Brussels and the state governments have brought up, etc. Europe for Christ! is here to do some of the job for the people; to research, identify and draw attention to alarming issues, harms and also progresses that have been made in Europe concerning the freedom of religion, natural rights conception, concept of family, etc. Europe for Christ! also reminds people that their voice, whether expressed by prayer, an email, or a letter to a politician counts and it is able to make a difference. Staying passive is the worst attitude we can have.


I am also excited to spend some time with such dedicated and godly people who really put their heart to the project and its aim. Simona


Why do we support "Europe4Christ"?

We are from Poland. When our country was about to enter the EU, many people were afraid that Poland would lose its identity in clash with the western culture – an attachment to the Catholic beliefs, a respect for traditional values.

From the perspective a time we realize that not only do we have such fears. Christians in all European countries fight for respect of their religious values. It’s about staying who we really are, respecting existing differences, and sharing the good and the beauty that we have – not destroying the fundamental values of Europe but building upon them.

It is impossible to be a Christian alienated from the real world – the community of faithful develops in normal, everyday conditions of life and it is here and now where we have to give a testimony. We want to remember what is important to us – to always support the life and the truth.

We are in Vienna so that “Europe for Christ!” could reach Warsaw. Not only Warsaw actually, but many different places in Poland, and so that people in our country would join to pray for Europe based on Christian values.

For this we pray and work! Kasia & Agnieszka


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