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Christian Action

Christian Action: Current Issues

Christianity is the oldest European Lobby for fairness, solidarity and charity. It has a lot to offer - even for non-believers.

It is up to us to ensure that Christianity plays a crucial role on the public square. There are different tools one could apply: Writing a letter to the editor, contacting politicians, networking civil society, creating a Christian online presence, working with the media, etc.

In the following, please find some issues of concern and read how you can help to make a change.

The following issues are currently at stake:


Christians in Europe are increasingly confronted with being ridiculed, discriminated against, or even attacked. Our website www.christianophobia.eu lists such cases so that they don’t go unheard. “To be wise as a serpent” means to raise awareness that human rights of Christians are more and more threatened, even in Europe.


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Council of Europe: Abortion called a woman’s right in a draft report; Call for full legalisation of abortion in all member states; Call for state funded abortion and contraception!

Read the full text here. Write to your national representatives and ask them to vote against this report in the session from april 14th to april 18th!

Find here all names and contact details.

More information on the issue in Englisch and in German.

For your information: How to write a good letter to a politician


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The Romanian Senate recently passed an amendment defining marriage as the “union freely consented to between a man and a woman”. The Alliance of Romania’s Families collected over 650,000 signatures petitioning for a defense-of-marriage amendment to the Romanian Constitution. Now, they need international support, as this protection of marriage is strongly challenged. NGOs and individuals can join: Download petititon here.


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Kosovo will soon adopt a constitution. The draft currently contains several articles harmful to life and family. Read more and find out how you can react as a non-governmental organisation here....


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February 08: The Luxembourg parliament voted by a slim margin to legalize euthanasia on February 19, becoming the third country in the European Union to do so. While the euthanasia bill has not yet passed second reading, it is anticipated that it will come into effect this summer, unless a radical shift of opinion in parliament occurs.

Read more here.

We advise that many write to authorities in Luxembourg. Find details here.


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January, February 08: The Norwegian Government presented a proposal for a new marriage law in May 2007. Same-sex and two-sex couples would both equally be able to enter into marriage. Discussion and voting is expected to take place in parliament in the spring of 2008. Send an email with your thoughts on this to support Christian Action in Norway. For details, click here...

>see UPDATE APRIL 2008<


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December 2007: In some European countries, the Christmas season is accompanied by a banning of Christian symbols: Christmas trees and Christmas motives are often substituted by ‘seasonal’ signs in certain places.

And, is it still ok to wish a ‘merry Christmas’?

If this is an issue in your country, maybe you would want to write a letter to the editor on that? Some thoughts on Christian symbolism you find here.

November 2007: The Spanish government introduces a new subject in schools which undermines Christian principles. Read here the reaction of Spanish teachers. European NGOs are called upon to sign a charter and write to those responsible.

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